Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Great Queens Soup Search -- Cherry Valley

If you went to St. Francis Prep, you knew better than to cut class.

Unless the risk involved a trip to Cherry Valley.

The Whitestone deli boasts a much nicer awning than it did a few years ago, but its selection of sandwiches and snacks lives on as an artery-clogging manifesto to every tempting food known to man (onion rings on my bacon and cheddar sandwich? Why yes, please).

For now, here's the soup scoop:

Cherry Valley Deli & Grill
12-29 150th St.
(718) 767-1937
Soup: Grilled Chicken Corn Chowder

The good news: Where do I begin? With its profusion of red peppers, zucchini, corn and white potatoes, the chowder had volume and enough of a spicy kick to make it really interesting. Fine strips of grilled white chicken are a satisfactory substitute for bacon bits, which many corn chowder recipes call for -- they add a nice, smoky punch without the fat.

The not-so-good news: Pointing out a flaw in this soup is like chastising a supermodel for being born with an outtie belly button -- does it really matter?

But I'll play devil's advocate.

Cherry Valley -- please add more delicious chicken chunks to your already glorious corn chowder soup.


Overall Verdict: Yes, please.

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